OMG Scully, can't stop laughing at your use of the trade mark symbol. That's hilarious!
Coded Logic
JoinedPosts by Coded Logic
Spiritually strong people don't care what others think of them.
by hoser injesus is a good example of this.
by ctrwtf in
i read an article in the ny times recently discussing the negative nature of social media.
it discussed why instagram is so much more pernicious than facebook.
professionals and govts can use facebook to post new thoughts or ideas, even restaurants post specials and menus etc.. instagram on the other hand encourages people to post in a distilled down fashion the best parts of their lives.
Coded Logic
Because they know that it is a tool for the elders to use against them. A while back I liked a little rant on my friends account of Gordon Ramsay going off on one of his rants because someone didn't cook the chicken all the way and could have gotten someone sick. Anyway, the next day my step dad sends me a message saying "I can't believe you liked that video on your friends account. Are you still a Witness?"
Their obsession with judging everyone else gets old really fast.
Well it look like AG Eric Holder is finally stepping down.
by tootired2care in
happy day - our incompetent race baiting ag who refuses to actually do his job, and prosecute high crimes right under his down in the irs is finally stepping down.
good riddance!.
Coded Logic
There are over a dozen departments under the DOJ. But none of them ARE the DOJ. Your intial statment remains false.
Have you not seen or read about the failed hard drive defense that has strangly happened to each IRS who has been investigated?
You are presenting a Red Herring. You intially said that the DOJ didn't investigate the IRS. Instead of admitting that isn't true or clarifying that you meant something different by your intial statement you are instead attempting to shift to a different topic.
How about an acquittal on some technicality.
You are incorrect. Sulaiman abu Ghaith remains in prison serving out a life sentence.
Foreign terrorists should never have equal rights to a US civilians.
The Constitution of the United States of America disagrees with you (see Fith and Fourteenth Amendments). You have a right to due process regardless of the crime your accused of and regardless of your citizenship status.
Holder is against anything that will suppress illegal aliens, and people from making duplicate votes for the democratic party of liberal hacks.
Please cite a credible source that shows democrats and liberal "hacks" are making duplicate votes.
Please provide a credible source for this claim.
Judging from the nonsense you just posted you seem to lack the capacity to understand what credible even is.
People who actually can support their claims don't have to resort to this sort of nonsense. You're not fooling anyone.
Well it look like AG Eric Holder is finally stepping down.
by tootired2care in
happy day - our incompetent race baiting ag who refuses to actually do his job, and prosecute high crimes right under his down in the irs is finally stepping down.
good riddance!.
Coded Logic
It's a real shame when people have to twist the truth or just outright lie in order for them to try and justify their pre-existing prejudices.
Operation Fast and Furious, probably the most reckless law enforcement operation ever carried out by the Justice Department.
Operation Fast and Furious was carried out by the ATF. Not the Justice Department. Get your facts straight. And Operation Fast and Furrious was started in 2006. Almost three years BEFORE Holder took office.
Dereliction of duty – failing to investigate the IRS scandal that makes the Nixon crimes look like a traffic ticket by comparison.
The Justice Department did investigate the "IRS Scandal". There were also independent investigations carried out by the Treasury Inspector General, the FBI, and two full blown Congressional investigations (The Committee on Oversight and Government Reform and also the Committee of Ways and Means).
Attempting to try enemy combatants (Muslim terrorists) in civilian courts.
It is deeply disturbing that you would try to criticize the Attorny General of the United States for seeking indictments against known murders. You do understand that is part of his job right? I for one am glad to see that he was successful in convicting Osama bin Laden's son-in-law, Sulaiman abu Ghaith, in a Manhattan federal court. I cannot possibly see the downside to that.
Refusing to enforce laws, and working to subvert the integrity of the voting process, by suppressing state laws that called for voters to show picture ID.
Wrong again. Holder's not against showing picture ID when you register to vote. However, he was highly crtical of the Jim Crow laws being passed that were trying to surpress peoples right to vote. Like Texas, where at the poles they would take an out of state expired gun card (which doesn't have a picture on it) but they wouldn't accept student ID from the University of Texas (which does have a picture on it). In other words, if your a conservative who owns a gun they want your vote. But if your a liberal college student they don't want your vote. Holder was also very much against Govner Rick Scott in Florida trying to purge tens of thousand of Democrats names from the voting registry.
Suppression of free speech by intimidation of press, and illegal wiretaps.
Please provide a credible source for this claim.
*Clarification: the ATF works under the Department of the Treasury, the Department of Homeland Security, and the Department of Justice but is an independant branch of all three.
Watchtower made money off Hurricane Katrina?
by Coded Logic inso i just heard from someone who was on the rbc that when they were working on homes after the hurricane before they could start work on a brother or sisters house the brother or sister had to first sign a form that the wtbts could collect all their insurance money.
and that since all the labor was free (and many of the brothers on the rbc provided construction materials our of their own pockets) that the wtbts actually made money off of the disaster.. has anyone seen or heard this before and is there anyway to confirm it?
it really sounds like something the wtbts would do.
Coded Logic
Thanks for the links Blondie. This whole thing just makes me sick.
Watchtower made money off Hurricane Katrina?
by Coded Logic inso i just heard from someone who was on the rbc that when they were working on homes after the hurricane before they could start work on a brother or sisters house the brother or sister had to first sign a form that the wtbts could collect all their insurance money.
and that since all the labor was free (and many of the brothers on the rbc provided construction materials our of their own pockets) that the wtbts actually made money off of the disaster.. has anyone seen or heard this before and is there anyway to confirm it?
it really sounds like something the wtbts would do.
Coded Logic
So I just heard from someone who was on the RBC that when they were working on homes after the hurricane before they could start work on a brother or sisters house the brother or sister had to first sign a form that the WTBTS could collect all their insurance money. And that since all the labor was free (and many of the brothers on the RBC provided construction materials our of their own pockets) that the WTBTS actually made money off of the disaster.
Has anyone seen or heard this before and is there anyway to confirm it? It really sounds like something the WTBTS would do.
Is truth relative?
by Pinku inseeing various/changing laws on the same action, some may feel truth is relative, and there is no such thing as right and wrong.. yet a closer look at beneath the details would show that truth is not relative, and everyone knows what is right and wrong.. driving in the night by putting the head-light off is wrong, but right when country is in war with another country.
behind both the conflicting laws, the truth is same: safety and welfare of the people.
this is true of notion about what is right and wrong:.
Coded Logic
What page/equations/lines of the paper is it you find to support this claim regarding zero radius universe?
Vacuum space set at an energy density of <0 with a wave function of zero (pages 2 and 3 opening perameters and step 6).
but then is it not more accurate to say in some models of the universe the laws of physics are not absolute in some sense but we do not really know?
No, that would not have been more accurate.
Obviously re-phrasing someones elses work to make it appear like your own is not exactly conving me you have a very firm grasp of what you write.
Your mistake. The point of my citations isn't to show YOU that I have a firm graps on what I write. It's to show that what I write is accurate. You can complain all day and all night that I "don't really understand" but, as my statements to Pinku were completely true, I really don't care what level of understanding you think I do or do not have. And, more importantly, when I sit down and read a peer reivewed scientfic article - I ACTUALLY READ THEM. I don't just give it a currsory scan and then emphatically state "this doesn't have anything to do with what your talking about." Because had you actually done that - you wouldn't be in the uncomfortable position you're in right now desperately seeking some Red Herring to distract from massive blunder you've made.
if your point is simply that most formulations of physics include time then that is obvious by opening any elementary textbook in physics
Please cite an elementary textbook in physics that shows quantum mechanics requires the existance of time.
It is much, much better to cite wikipedia than choose an article on inflationary cosmology which do not even discuss the point you are interested in, or at least do not discuss it any more than hundreds of other articles on physics.
WTF?!! I DID cite a Wikipedia article on cosmic infaltion! Serriously dude, what is your problem? Learn how to read.
not to jazz up ones written work by the most hard-to-read articles you yourself have not even read
Well this is just adorable. You're accusing me of having not read it? Wow, you are unbelievable.
I believe we have had this discussion before regarding logic.
No. Being logical and being a jack ass are not the same thing. When I said "if you had better understanding of the topics or more applicable academic sources you can I would love to hear it" - the key words were "better understanding" and "more applicable academic sources." It was not an invitation to bitch and moan that my citations are "too hard to read."
If you have some learning or reading disablity that's okay. But please don't go around telling me I haven't read something when A.) I have - and B.) you clearly haven't.
Is truth relative?
by Pinku inseeing various/changing laws on the same action, some may feel truth is relative, and there is no such thing as right and wrong.. yet a closer look at beneath the details would show that truth is not relative, and everyone knows what is right and wrong.. driving in the night by putting the head-light off is wrong, but right when country is in war with another country.
behind both the conflicting laws, the truth is same: safety and welfare of the people.
this is true of notion about what is right and wrong:.
Coded Logic
Hey Boehm! Thanks for the questions. When I was providing my citations I had actually wanted to get much deeper into the physics but I felt that doing so would alienate Pinku rather than draw them in. But I'm glad you asked as it allows me to really get into the subjects that I enjoy.
In regards to my second citation, Vilenkin used a model of a closed space time with zero energy and then shrank it down to a zero radius. When he did this the "nothing" became unstable and virtual particle paris formed and vacuume energy caused expansion (i.e. the "nothing" changed). (I apologies about the plain text, it was the only location of the paper I could find where you didn't have to pay to download it as a PDF).
As regards to my fourth citation you must have clicked on the thread right after I posted. I immediately realized I used the wrong hyper link and changed it to the correct one. It's a paper by Friedan discussing how the non-linear sigma model shows that our universe might have formed higher dimensions (up to 26) from a starting point of just 2 dimensions. While there are many papers I could have cited on different physical laws at the big bang, I thought this one most appropriate considering Pinku's earlier reference to higher dimensions.
In regards to my sixth citation the paper shows that even at the plank scale the Lorentz Covariance can be preserved. The basic problem with gravity is how to quantize space-time geometry (think of quantized space-time geometry like a lattice structure of grid points). The problem with any lattice structure is that it breaks Lorentz invariance. Noncommutative geometry solves this problem by maintaining Lorentz invariance and space-time structure at small length scales. While there are probably much better papers linking quantum mechanics to time this is the only one I could cite that I somewhat understand.
I appologize if I came off as trying to browbeat anyone. That is the complete opposite of what I want to do. In the past I have cited much more accessible resources (Wikipedia and various scientfic pop magazines) but invariably someone always jumps up and points out "Hey, those aren't science! Anyone one can write that crap!" So I've taken to mostly citing academic and peer reviewed work. Damned if you do damned if you don't I guess. Perhaps in the future I'll cite both to try and dispell the confusion.
Anyway, once again thanks for asking. I'm glad I had the oppertunity to get into it. Also, I'm an autodidact at best so if you ,or anyone else, has a better understanding of the topics or more applicable academic sources they can cite I would love to hear it and read it.
Is truth relative?
by Pinku inseeing various/changing laws on the same action, some may feel truth is relative, and there is no such thing as right and wrong.. yet a closer look at beneath the details would show that truth is not relative, and everyone knows what is right and wrong.. driving in the night by putting the head-light off is wrong, but right when country is in war with another country.
behind both the conflicting laws, the truth is same: safety and welfare of the people.
this is true of notion about what is right and wrong:.
Coded Logic
Pinku - thanks for your reply. Though to be honest, your ideas were so fragmentary and disjointed it was difficult to understand exactly what point, if any, you were trying to make. And, while I would much prefer to address an overreaching topic, I will instead have to settle for addressing each of your points independently.
To start with, you talk about the “visible” and the “invisible”. As far as I can gather, you’re not actually talking about things which can be seen and things that can’t be seen. But instead are addressing “knowns” and “unknowns.” Or, to be more precise, “knowns” and “ the unknown-unknowns.” Though, what this concept has to do with rest of your remarks, escapes me. Reality exists in and of itself. What we know about reality - or don’t know about reality - doesn’t change what it is.
You made the statement that,
Anything that changes with respect to circumstances is not true reality.
I have absolutely no idea why you would think this. I don’t mean to be rude, but this is probably one of the most absurd statements that I have ever had the misfortune of reading. EVERYTHING in our universe changes in respect to circumstances [1]. Even NOTHING itself changes [2]. If your statement were true, we would live in a completely static universe where nothing ever happens or changes.
Truth can describe how things were, are, and will be. Truth can also describe how and why things change. The one thing that truth doesn’t describe, is things that never change (i.e. absolutes). This is easily demonstrated, If you take a physical law and put in different values (circumstances) you will get different answers. Because physical laws are descriptors of reality [3]. Even the laws themselves are not absolute. They are conditional upon the properties of space time and energy [4].
Quantum Mechanics reveals that space and time have no meaning unless there is a conscious observer.
No, quantum mechanics does NOT reveal that. Because quantum mechanics does not - and cannot - be used to address “meaning” [5]. “Meaning” is a subjective value metric that we assign to things, principles, ideas, etc. “Meaning” is not a scientific proposition.
Meaning ≠ Explanation
Meaning requires purpose. Explanation does not require purpose. Quantum mechanics can only be used to explain things. It cannot be used to assign purpose to things.
Currently physicists take a stand that physical principles really don’t require the concept of time.
This is untrue. Physicists state that how we perceive time MAY be completely wrong. But physical principles still require the use of time [6].
All these prove that even space and time are not really basic properties of the universe; rather, they are products of our own mind.
Okay, once again I don’t mean to be rude, but you are just not sufficiently enlightened to be discussing these topics. You don’t have have a grasp on the most basic fundamentals of general relativity and quantum mechanics. Much less the comprehensive knowledge needed to “prove” anything about “the basic properties of the universe.”
Please don’t take this as a personal attack, but if you want to make claims about science you need to FIRST understand the science at hand. You have a lot of learning to do. And I don’t want to scoff at your ignorance. Rather, I want to arm you intellectually. There are some fantastic books out there written by actual physicists who understand the principles you’re discussing. I would recommend Brian Greene’s book The Elegant Universe for you. It starts with the basics and gradually gets into some of the deeper aspects of physics.
More WTS cash-grabbing: "Funds on Deposit" program for Circuits
by sir82 inat a recent circuit assembly "business meeting" for elders, a new program was announced: "funds on deposit".. here's how it works:.
each circuit determines a "floor" and a "ceiling" for an amount to hold in their circuit checking account.
when the "ceiling" amount is exceeded, the amount above the threshold is wired to the wts and held by them.. if the circuit checking account drops below the "floor" amount, the circuit can send a request to the wts to request that some of their "funds on deposit" be returned to them so that their checking account resumes a "safe" level.. as explained by the elder explaining the program,, "in other words, the branch is acting exactly like a bank - the circuit will make deposits and withdrawals as needed.
Coded Logic
Are they really that broke? :)